Environmentally Sensitive Areas
Between Holes #2, #15, and #17

Wanaki’s Own Dedicated ESA
Amongst the many new additions added to Wanaki Golf Course, this is one feature that will be around for quite some time. This newly created Environmentally-Sensitive Area will sit between Hole #2, Hole #15, and Hole #17. It will be a dedicated area marked with red stakes (with green tops) to identify a portion of the golf course that will be completely protected from chemicals, fertilizers, and pesticides, while keeping all foot and cart traffic off of the landscape.
This dedicated area will include not only the free-flowing Fox River, but will grow naturally untouched lush grass to support the river banks. Trees will be able to mature while this area will be introduced to native grasses, wild grasses, and wildflowers.
Wanaki Ownership and Management have secluded this ESA as a way to “give back” to the golf course property, while contributing to the overall health and sustainability of this important Environmental Corridor in Southwestern Menomonee Falls.
A unique feature to this dedicated space will be the Calles Bee Box. There will soon be other additions that will help promote the introduction of new species of plant life and wildlife.
One thing to remember, golfers are not allowed to enter this area under any circumstances. There will be no foot traffic or cart traffic allowed. Depending on your competition level, you will have options on how to proceed:
The “default” process at the course would be to treat the area as a penalty area. This is when you would follow the U.S.G.A rules of golf by taking your penalty shot, making the proper “drop” of your golf ball, and playing your next shot as the rules dictate. This “default” process will apply to all competitive play including Tournaments, Match Play events, Internal Club Events, and all sanctioned qualifiers and State Tournaments.
However, If you are in a league or social group, you may decide to put in a “local rule,” where any ball that lands in this designated area will be allowed to be taken as a free drop outside the designated area.
We are very excited for this new addition to Wanaki Golf Course, and if there are any questions regarding this new addition, please do not hesitate to contact the Wanaki Pro Shop or Wanaki Ownership.