Tree Legacy
Course Info
In Memory of…
The Wanaki Junior Practice Tee honors two pioneers of Wanaki Golf Course history.
Tom Binney was a founding member of the Wanaki Mens Club in 1976 and held the role of League President for over 20 years. Upon Tom’s passing in 2016, it was the wish of Tom and The Binney Family to contribute to the Wanaki Junior Golf Program as Tom was a member of the Wanaki staff who loved assisting on Junior days. The current Wanaki Mens Club honors Tom with a 36-hole Championship that bears his name.
Joan Henderson was a member of the Wanaki 18-hole Ladies Golf Club for many years. Joan was a long-time board member with the club until her passing. The “Joan Henderson Memorial Guest Day” is held annually at Wanaki attracting ladies from all over the state. Proceeds from a “crazy and cooky” putting event after golf have funded many junior programs including the “Wanaki Beginner Lesson Series” and the “Girls Fore Golf” group.
Proceeds from future Mens and Ladies Club events will be used to purchase equipment and range supplies for young Wanaki golfers.

Wanaki Golf Course (Menomonee Falls, WI) started removing several trees on the golf course. We expect this process to last throughout the winter.
We will be removing trees on the golf course for the following reasons:
-A good majority of the planned trees for removal are Ash Trees. Although we have treated some of the trees against the ongoing Emerald Ash Borer crisis, there are numerous other Ash trees on the golf course that are in decline and will be failing very quickly.
-Other trees planned for removal have simply reached the end of their life expectancy. They are either visually unappealing or have become dangerous due to falling limbs.
In the interest of replacing trees and maintaining the character of Wanaki as a wooded and tree-lined golf course, Wanaki Golf Course offers a program called “The Legacy Forest “. This popular offering allows individuals or groups to purchase a tree (s) to memorialize or honor individuals who have passed on, or are worthy to receive a dedicated tree and be a part of their favorite golf course.
There are over 100 trees planted on Wanaki that were purchased solely as a part of the Legacy Forest Program. Some unique examples include:
-The Wanaki Men’s Club who plant a tree every year to honor their fallen members. Their Memorial Tournament is based around the planting of new trees
-A large year-end golf outing who plants 2-3 trees every year to remember their fallen players. This outing has planted 32 trees in the past 14 years.
-A group of regular Saturday morning players who have started a small grove of trees to remember their buddies who they have played with for years. As odd as it may seem, the still living members have already chosen their spots in their grove.
-A group of trees on hole #17 that honor former Wanaki employees.
-A group of trees on hole #8 that honor parents of former and current Wanaki employees.
-A group of Maple trees that guard #11 fairway to honor parents, brothers, and sisters from the same family.
As you can see, this popular offering helps bring loyal Wanaki golfers together and creates a sense of course ownership and builds a feeling of “community”.
Some of the long standing benefits of purchasing a tree through this program include:
-A dedication of your tree, customized however you wish, including a one-year tree tag that hangs visibly on the tree.
-A permanent brass tag on one of the 2 Wanaki Legacy Forest Logs that hang inside the clubhouse.
-A permanent spot on the Legacy Forest map inside the clubhouse that includes tree recipient, tree donor, and species of tree.
There are numerous possibilities and options for trees to memorialize and honor your golfing friends. A tree dedicated solely for your league, playing partners, family members or event is a wonderful anchor to start a Memorial Golf Outing.
The cost of a tree planted and maintained can vary anywhere from $200 to $300, depending on species and size. Wanaki staff will work with each group individually to determine type and placement of tree on the golf course. We have been very receptive to placing trees on specific locations as requested by the donor. The trees are generally planted in the spring and the fall.
Please consider adding to the charm and beauty of Wanaki Golf Course by purchasing a tree for planting. The support of our loyal customers has come shining through in our 52-year history.
The program was started by Waukesha County, the original Golf Course owner, in 2004 and will continue graciously with The New Storm’s Family ownership group.
If you have interest in participating in this program, please contact us, we look forward to working with you.